This is a wonderful school. I know because my niece Charli McCleary and nephew Ryan McCleary attend this school. As a matter of fact Ray Charles attended this school. Their mother, my sister, Mo McCleary is a software engineer that is also visually impaired. All three of them have optic nerve atrophy, basically the vision they have is doesn't get them far in this visual world, everyone reads braille and no one can or will drive a vehicle. Mo being the strong competitive individual that she is, has no tolerance for pity or excuses, and absolutely will not tolerate her children sitting in a dark corner silently. Her husband Al McCleary supports and encourages them 100% . Mo and Al have been together for 23 years. They provide an educationally enriching environment for both of their children, promoting all actives that sight is not required. Amazingly enough sight is not essential for a lot of activities such as Judo, unicycling, and believe it or not operating a computer. With the help of Windows eyes, Jaws and other screen reading software computer technology is an attainable goal.
I know that Charli and Ryan are living proof that with the proper training and encouragement a future in computer technology is not unreachable or unrealistic for them. However the challenge is getting individuals that can keep up with the technology that is available for the visually impaired children and share this with the children so they to can shine and be productive members of society.
My goal is to see what I can do to close the gap and get the information and technology to these children . You don't need eyes to comunicate or think.
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